My dad, step-mom, brother and sister recently moved from Toronto to Calgary. Everyone seems to be adjusting to the move well except for my little sister. She is fourteen and just starting grade ten and her new high school is very different from her old one. It’s been hard for her to make friends and she feels pretty lonely at school and when she comes home. I decided to fly out and visit my family last week before I started school here in Ontario. I wrote my sister encouraging notes and gave her little gifts throughout the week. One night we went on a long walk and talked as we watched the sunset over the Rocky Mountains. She told me how she doesn’t feel like she fits in at school and it made me sad for her. I comforted her, told her many stories and emailed her this picture after I left telling her not to be afraid to be herself.
It was an amazing time together and I really hope my sister’s week was better because of it. Mine sure was.
Emma Furfaro
Wow Emma, that is so beautiful what you did for your sister and I am sure you will continue helping her as much as you can. I am Karri’s aunt and one of the things that a lot of young people have said about him is that he never excluded anybody and made “outsiders” feel welcomed. I sincerely hope there will be kids at her new school who will be like Karri.